1:30 – 5:30 pm in DLR 316 & 304
Dr Larry Wier Phone: 375-2116
Chemistry Department Email:
DeLaRoche 303
Web page:
Date of Lab |
Lab Title |
Lab Number & due date |
January 15 |
Check in, Barium Chloride drying expt. |
E-1 due January 23 |
January 22, 29 |
Gravimetric Detn. of Calcium as Calcium Oxalate |
E-2 due February 6 |
February 5, 12 |
Acid-Base Titration in Non-Aqueous Medim |
E-3 due February 20 |
February 19, 26 |
Spectrophotometric Analysis of a Two Component Mixture |
E-4 due March 13 |
March 12, 19 |
Potentiometric Titration of Iron(II) |
E-5 due March 27 |
March 26, April 2 |
Photometric Titration of Cu(II) with EDTA |
E-6 due April 10 |
April 16, 23 |
Ion Exchange Separation of Zn(II) and Ni(II) |
E-7 due May 1 |
April 30 |
Check out |
Note: the very
last day to hand in a lab report is Thursday, May 3 (reading day).
Lab handouts will be provided
for you.
The goal: to
develop good laboratory technique, which yields accurate and precise
results quickly.
100% lab results (7 experiments); grade primarily based on accuracy &
precision, as well as significant figure mistakes and calculation errors. An
example of the grading scale is given in the laboratory handouts. The late
penalty is 10% per weekday.
"good" trials are required for each result. If a result is rejected and a calculation error cannot be
found, the experiment must be repeated. Once
all seven experiments are completed, you may go back and repeat an earlier lab
to better your grade.
You are expected to attend lab.
If you cannot be present for an experiment, it is your responsibility to contact
me and make other arrangements, preferably before the lab is performed, or at
least on the day of the lab. If you miss a lab and do not contact me in a timely
manner, you will not have an opportunity to make it up.
To contact me, call my phone number at school, 375-2116, and leave a
voice mail message. Thank you.
Please turn your cell phone off
during our class time.
Please purchase a scientific
calculator (graphing ability not required) for use during this and other science
classes and bring the calculator with you to lecture, lab and exams.
Anyone caught cheating during an
exam will receive a zero for that exam. Anyone caught cheating a second time
will receive an F for the course.
Students with disabilities who believe that they may need
accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Disability Support
Services Office, Doyle room 26, at 375-2065 as soon as possible to better ensure
that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
A: 93% to 100%
A-: 90% to 92%
B+: 87% to 89%
B: 83% to 86%
B-: 80% to 82%
C+: 77% to 79%
C: 73% to 76%
C-: 70% to 72%
D+: 67% to 69%
D: 63% to 66%
D-: 60% to 62%
F: below 60%