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Title:  Franciscans at the University of Paris

Scope Note:    

This Pathfinder will cover the involvement of the Franciscans at the University of Paris with a particular emphasis on and around the “Mendicant Controversy” which ranged on and off from the arrival of the friars in 1219 until well after the death of Bonaventure in 1274.  I want to focus on the first main phase of the conflict dealing with the arrival of the friars (regulars - those clergy who live under a religious rule, as opposed to seculars - who do not), the reasons for their arrival, and the arguments with the native secular masters. I have also included some sources on the origins of the university of Paris in order to understand the historical situation into which the friars have imposed themselves and what was at stake for the secular masters.  This pathfinder is intended for graduate students with some facility in languages besides English.  Most, if not all, of the resources here can be found in the Friedsam Memorial Library at St. Bonaventure University.



 Brooke, Rosalind.  Early Franciscan Government.  Cambridge : Cambridge University

            Press, 1959. Particularly pages 267-272.

 Haskins, Charles Homer.  The Rise of Medieval Universities.  Ithaca , New York : Cornell

            University Press, 1957. 

 Moorman, John.  A History of the Franciscan Order.  Oxford : Clarendon, 1968.

            Particularly chapter 13 “The Friars at the Universities” p.125-139.


Subject Headings in the Catalog:

 Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, ca. 1217-1274.

Colleges and Universities, medieval

Education, medival

Guillaume, de Saint-Amour, 1202?-1272.

Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274.

Université de Paris, history


Seminal Works:

             Primary Texts:

 Université de Paris. Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, ed. H. Denifle and E.

             Chatelaine.  Paris : Delalain, 1889.  

William of St. Amour.  Opera Omnia.  Constance , 1632.

 Thomas Aquinas.  Opera Omnia.  Rome: Ex typographia Polyglotta S.C. de Propaganda

             Fide 1882

 Bonaventure, Saint.  Bonaventurae doctoris seraphici Opera omnia. 10vols. (and Index).

            Quaracchi: Collegium S. Bonaventurae , 1882-1902.

             Secondary Texts:

 Congar, Yves.  “Aspects ecclesiologiques de la querelle entre mendicants et seculiers

            dans la seconde moitié du xiiie et le début du xive”.  Archives d’histoire

            doctrinale et litteraire du moyen age. 136 (1961): 35-51.

 Douie, Decima L.  The Conflict between the Seculars and the Mendicants at the

            University of Paris in the Thirteenth Century.  London : Blackfriars, 1954.

 Dufeil, M.M. Guillaume de Saint-Amour et la polemique universitaire parisienne 1250-

            1259. Paris : A. et J. Picard, 1972.

 Marrone, J.T. The Ecclesiology of the Parisian Secular Masters, 1250-1320. Ithaca :

            Cornell University Press, 1972.

 Roest, Bert.  Reading the Book of History: Intellectual Contexts and Educational

            Functions of Franciscan Historiography 1226 - ca.1350. Gronigen: Regensboog,


 Torrell, Jean-Pierre.  Saint Thomas Aquinas v. 1: The Person and His Work.  Trans.

             Robert Royal.  Washington , D.C. : CUA Press, 1996.  p.75-95.


Call Numbers for Browsing:

BX 890 B6

BX 4700 B68



CB 351

LF 2166-7


Handbooks, Encyclopedias, and Dictionaries:

 New Catholic Encyclopedia.  "Aquinas"; "Bonaventure"; "Mendicant Orders"; "Paris, University of"; "William, of St. Amour"



 Collectanea Franciscana: Bibliographia Franciscana.  Rome : Istitutio Storico dei




 Archivum Franciscanum Historicum

Collectanea Franciscana

Franciscan Studies

The Modern Schoolman

Revue d’Histoire Ecclesiastique





Internet Resources:

 Macy, Gary .  A guide to Thirteenth Century Theologians.  1, Nov. 2007


Roest, Bert, Maarten van der Heijn, Jean-Francois Godet-Calogeras. Franciscan Authors

             13th-18th Centuries: A Catalogue in Progress. 1,Nov.2007


Stone, Thomas Ryan.  Episteme Links. http://www.epistemelinks.com

Talarico, Kathryn.  ORB Medieval Studies. http://www.the-orb.net/


Compiled by Chad Taylor