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Bibliographic Guide |
Encyclopedia articles: Ignatius Brady (NCE), Lorenzo Di Fonzo (BS), Zachary Hayes (ER & HFT), Bonnie Kent (REP), Efrem Longpre (DS), A. Pompei (DIP), John F. Quinn (DMA), Pascal Robinson (CE), Alan Wolter (EP) [Abbreviations key]
J. Guy Bougerol. Bibliographia Bonaventuriana (c.1850-1973). [v.5 of S. Bonaventura 1274-1974 (see below under "Studies")
Balduinus Distelbrink. Bonaventurae Scripta, Authentica Dubia vel Spuria Crtice Recensita. Rome: Istituto Storica Cappuccini, 1975. [Subsidia Scientifica Franciscalia ; 5]
Dictionaries and Concordances
Anton-Maria da Vincenza & Giovanni da Rubino. Lexicon Bonaventurianum. Venice: Aemiliana, 1880.
J. Guy Bougerol. Lexique Sant Bonaventure. Paris: Edotions Franciscaines, 1969.
Jean-Francois Godet. Sancti Bonaventurae Legendae Maior et Minor Sancti Francisci. Louvain: CETEDOC, 1975.
Jacqueline Hamesse. Thesaurus Bonaventurianus. Louvain: CETEDOC, 1972-79. (3 v.) [1. Itinerarium Mentis in Deum.—2. Breviloquium.—3. Collationes de Septem Donis Spiritus Sancti]
Collegio San Bonaventura (Quarrachi). Opera Omnia. 1882-1902. (10 v.)
J. Guy Bougerol (ed.) Sermones Dominicales. Grottaferrata: Collegio San Bonaventura, 1977. [Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi ; 27]
Ferdinand Delorme (ed.) Collationes in Hexaemeron et Bonaventuriana quaedam Selecta. Quarrachi: Collegio San Bonaventura, 1934. [Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi ; 8]
Works of St. Bonaventure. St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute, 1955-
[1. De Reductione Artium ad Theologiam (tr. E.T. Healy & Z. Hayes).—2. Itinerarium Mentis in Deum (tr. P. Boehner).—3. Disputed Questions on the Mystery of the Trinity (tr. Z. Hayes).—4. Disputed Questions on the Knowledge of Christ (tr. Z. Hayes).—5. Writings Concerning the Franciscan Order (tr. D. Monti).—6. Collations on the Ten Commandments (tr. P. Spaeth).-- ]Ewert Cousins (tr.) The Soul’s Journey into God, The Tree of Life, The Life of St. Francis. New York: Paulist Press, 1978.
Jose de Vinck (tr.) The Works of St. Bonaventure. Paterson, NJ: St. Anthony Guild, 1960-70. (5 v.) [1. Mystical opuscula (Journey of the Mind to God. Triple Way. Tree of Life. Mystical Vine. On the Perfection of Life).—2. The Breviloquium.—3. Opuscula second series (includes: On Retracing the Arts to Theology. Soliloquy. Six Wings of the Seraph).—4. Defense of the Mendicants.—5. Collations of the Six Days.
[Collections of Sermons]
Eric Doyle (tr.) The Disciple and the Master: St. Bonaventure’s Sermons on St. Francis. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1983.
Zachary Hayes (tr.) What Manner of Man? Sermons on Christ. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1974.
Marigwen Schumacher (tr.) Rooted in Faith. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1974.
E. E. Nemmers (tr.) Breviloquium. St. Louis, 1946.
[De Perfectione Vitae ad Sorores]
L. Costello (tr.) Holiness of Life. St. Louis, 1923.
[De Sex Alis Seraphim]
D. Devas (tr.) Franciscan View of the Spiritual and Religious Life. New York, 1922.
S. Mollitor (tr.) The Virtues of a Religious Superior. St. Louis, 1920.
Philip O’Mara (tr.) The Character of a Christian Leader. Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Books, 1978.
[Itinerarium Mentis in Deum]
George Boas (tr.) The Mind’s Road to God. New York: Library of Liberal Arts, 1953.
Lawrence Cunnigham (tr.) The Mind’s Journey to God. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1979.
J. O’Mahoney (tr.) The Franciscan Vision. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1937.
Regis J. Armstrong. The Spiritual Theology of the Legenda Major of Saint Bonaventure. Thesis (Ph.D.).—Fordham University, 1978.
Efrem Bettoni. St. Bonaventure. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1964.
J. Guy Bougerol. Introduction to the Works of Bonaventure. Paterson, NJ: St. Anthony Guild, 1964.
J. Guy Bougerol (ed.) S. Bonaventura 1274-1974. Grottaferrata: Collegio San Bonaventura, 1974. (5 v.) [Bibliography v.5]
Ignatius Brady. "The Edition of the ‘Opera Omnia’ of Saint Bonaventure (1882-1902)" Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 70 (1977) 352-76.
Charles Carpenter. Theology as the Road to Holiness in Saint Bonaventure. New York: Paulist Press, 1999.
Ewert Cousins. Bonaventure and the Coincidence of Opposites. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1978.
Matthew M. De Benedictus. The Social thought of Saint Bonaventure. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University Press, 1946.
Etienne Gilson. The Philosophy of St. Bonaventure. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1938.
Zachary Hayes. Bonaventure: Mystical Writings. New York: Crossroad, 1999. (Spiritual Legacy Series)
Zachary Hayes. The Hidden Center: Spirituality and Speculative Christology in Saint Bonaventure. New York: Paulist Press, 1981.
Colman J. Majchrzak. A Brief History of Bonaventurianism. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1957.
Dominic Monti. Bonaventure’s Interpretation of Scripture in His Exegetical Works. Thesis (Ph.D.).—University of Chicago, 1979.
Alfonso Pompei (ed.) San Bonaventura: Maestro di Vita Francescana e di Sapienza Cristiana. Rome: Pontificia Facolta Teologica ‘San Bonaventura’, 1976. (3 v.)
John Francis Quinn. The Historical Constitution of St. Bonaventure’s Philosophy. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1973.
Joseph Ratzinger. The Theology of History in St. Bonaventure. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1971.
Thomas Reist. Saint Bonaventure as Biblical Commentator: A Translation and Analysis of his Commentary on Luke XVIII, 34-XIX, 42. Lanham, MD: University press of America, 1985.
Robert W, Shahan & Francis J. Kovach (eds.) Bonaventure and Aquinas: Enduring Philosophers. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1976.
G. Tavard. Transiency and Permanence: The Nature of Theology According to St. Bonaventure. St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute, 1954.
David Tracy (ed.) Celebrating the Medieval Heritage: A Colloquy on the Thought of Aquinas and Bonaventure. The Journal of Religion 58 (1978) Supplement.
Doctor Seraphicus. Bolletino di Informazioni del Centro di Studi Bonaventuriani, 1954-
Compiled by Paul J.
Franciscan Institute Library
The Franciscan Institute ; St. Bonaventure University ; Friedsam Memorial Library |