Amela Softic, a senior Engineering Physics major, with a Secondary concentration in Mathematics, completed her internship with Sherman Fairchild Laboratory at Lehigh University this summer. She worked closely with a group of graduate students working toward their degree in Electrical Engineering.
          She worked with Silicon-Carbide (SiC), a promising material currently under intensive investigation for applications in the semiconductor industry in areas where silicon devices cannot effectively compete. Her summer experience focused on characterization of SiC based lateral Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Field-Effect-Semiconductors (MOSFETs) in the LabView environment. Amela's responsibilities also included data analysis for the tested devices which involved extraction of the interface trap densities (Dit) for the tested devices, as well as looking at the current levels of the output characteristics of the devices fabricated from the different types of SiC.
          She feels that this experience helped her learn more about graduate level research, the manner it is carried out, and the time and patience it required. Furthermore, it helped her to realize possible related occupations she can obtain upon her degree completion.