Physics 104 Lab
Spring 2013
Sections 1

17 January 2014

View the grade spreadsheet:       Section 01      Lab Teams       Lab Exercise Rotation     (pdfs)






We supply the Lab Manual, and the required lab notebook,
if you didn't retain your notebook from PhyL 103.

13 January   Organization; distribution of Manuals & Notebooks
20 January
27 January
Exercise 1: Electric Field Concepts
Exercise 11: Radioactive Decay
 3 February
10 February
17 February
 3 March


Exercise 2:  Ohm's "Law"
Exercise 3:  RC Circuit
Exercise 4:  Oscilloscope & Magnetic Induction
Exercise X:  Wheatstone Bridge & Potentiometer

 10 March
 17 March
 24 March
 31 March
  Exercise 5: Diffraction & Interference
Exercise 6:
The Diffraction Grating
Exercise 7: The Prism Spectrometer
Exercise 8: Index of Refraction of Air
  7 April
 14 April


Exercise 9: Mirrors & Lenses
Exercise 10: Nuclear Radiation

 28 April


Final Quiz --The End




PHYL 104
Introductory Physics Lab

Spring 2014

PhyL 104. General Physics Laboratory II.  Basic experiments in classical and modern physics
designed to complement topics covered in Physics 104.  Corequisite:  Physics 104.  1 credit.

 program learning goals for the Physics major can be found at”)

 Summary of Introductory Physics Laboratory Learning Outcomes
[American Association of Physics Teachers]

I.- Experimental and Analytical Skills: The laboratory should help the student develop a broad array of basic skills and tools of experimental physics and data analysis.

II.- Conceptual Learning: The laboratory should help students master basic physics concepts.

III.- Understanding the Basis of Knowledge in Physics: The laboratory should help students understand the role of direct observation in physics and to distinguish between inferences based on theory and the outcomes of experiments.

IV.- Developing Collaborative Learning Skills: The laboratory should help students develop collaborative learning skills that are vital to success in many lifelong endeavors.

Meeting: 1:30 - 4:30 PM Monday (Sec 01)
Place: Room 2, DLR
Text: Experiments in Physics
Instructor: Dr. J. Kiefer
Office: 120B DLR              ext: 2671
Office Hours:  11:30am - 12:20pm TTh  or by appointment or walking in

The exercises you will perform in this class are intended to supplement the discussions in Physics 104. However, this Phyl 104 class is separate from the lecture class. Some of the exercises will illustrate concepts discussed in Physics 104, while some of the exercises will explore topics beyond those covered in Physics 104.

The course grade will be based on the lab "reports" you hand in each week (85%) and a Final Quiz (15%). The lab "reports" will be evaluated according to completeness, legibility & neatness, and accuracy. Keep in mind that one purpose of the "report" is to convince the instructor of your comprehension of the exercise’s topic. Normally, you will be expected to complete the "report" within the 3-hours duration of the class. You will be issued a personal identification number (PIN) with which you can view your scores and course grade by way of the course web page.

It is difficult to make up a missed exercise. If you must miss an exercise, make arrangements with the instructor in advance to make it up. In the event that an absence is unanticipated, due to sudden illness for instance, contact the instructor as soon as possible, by ‘phone, e-mail, or coming to the instructor’s office, before the next regularly scheduled class meeting.

The only other items you will need to bring to class are pencils/pens and a pocket calculator.  Something equivalent to a TI 30 will do—capable of evaluating trigonometric and exponential functions. It may be useful to bring your Physics textbook, as well.

Letter grades will be assigned according to the following scheme:

























Academic dishonesty is inconsistent with the moral character expected of students in a university committed to the spiritual and intellectual growth of the whole person.  It also subverts the academic process by distorting all measurements.  It is a serious matter and will be dealt with accordingly.  A list of unacceptable practices, penalties to be assigned, and procedures to be followed in prosecuting cases of alleged academic dishonesty may be found in the Student Handbook.

Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Disability Support Services Office, Doyle room 26, at 375-2065 as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.  Documentation from this office is required before accommodations can be made.