Physics 452
Modeling & Simulation of Physical Systems
Spring 2003

10 May 2003

 View the grade spreadsheet .
Jump to the HandOut below; or jump to the assignment schedule.

Assignment Assigned What Due
One 14 January


21 January
Two 21 January

11.6a-d, 11.8c 

28 January
Three 28 January

Modify & Run a Program

4 February
Four 4 February


6 February
Five 13 February Count the Pairs 18 February
Six 18 February Simulate some Argon 25 February
Seven 18 March Radial Distribution Function 25 March
Eight 3 April Molecular Dynamics Simulation 10 & 17 April

Physics 452
Modeling & Simulation of Physical Systems

Spring 2003

Meeting: Rm. 1 DeLaRoche; 10:00 - 11:15 AM TTh 
An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods by Gould & Tobochnik
Dr. J. Kiefer e-mail address:
21 DeLaRoche
Office Hours:
MWF 1:30 – 3:30 PM; or by appointment or by walking in
Web Page: or through the "courses with pages" link on the departmental web page.

This course concerns itself with Computational Physics--the solution of physical problems through numerical computation.  The topics covered include the solution of equations of motion, solution of boundary value problems, and simulation.

The work of the course consists of the writing and running of computer programs. From time to time, a pencil & paper exercise may be assigned. Toward the end of the term, each student will be given an individual programming project, which will play the role of a Final Exam.

The assignments each have a due date attached. Assignments handed in after the due date will have a 50% deduction applied to their scores. An assignment which is judged to be incomplete will be returned to the student for completion. Only by completing an assignment can a student earn full credit for the assignment (apart from the 50% late penalty). It is expected that students will consult with one another, and with the instructor, in carrying out assignments. However, each student is expected to submit his or her own individualized version for evaluation. The course score will be the total points earned on completed assignments.

Based on the total score for the course, letter grades will be assigned according to the following scheme:

90% . . .


86.67% . . .


83.33% . . .


80% . . .


76.67% . . .


73.33% . . .


70% . . .


66.67% . . .


63.33% . . .


60% . . .


56.67% . . .


<56.67% . .


Students will be issued personal identification numbers (PIN) with which they may access their scores during the semester through the course web page.