
Taxes, trophics, habituation, and sensitization



There are three important types of reflexes for our study: Kinesis, Taxis, and Modal

Action Patterns (MAPs). Kinesis is a reflexive increase in movement as a result of

an eliciting stimulus. Touch a worm and it wiggles, sometimes jumping about wildly.

Taxis is a reflexive movement that is more directed. When a paramecium goes

swimming along and suddenly bumps into a wall, it's cillia immediately go into

reverse. Rats and most rodents, are thigmotaxic, meaning that they move with as

much of their bodies in contact with a surface as possible. In a burrow or wall of a

house most the body remains in contact with a surface. As the mouse runs around

in your kitchen, it attempts to remain close to one wall, as if rubbing its' side against

the wall. MAPs, or modal action patterns (some texts call these FAPs for fixed

action patterns) are a type of reflex that involves more than one behavior in a

particular sequence. The sequence may be fixed, meaning it always occurs in a

particular order, or as is more often the case, the sequence is usually in a particular

order, but may vary somewhat.


.Presentation of the stimulus alone. => habituation, sensitization

     (non-associative learning).

   2.Presentation of the stimulus in relation to another stimulus. => classical

     conditioning (associative learning)

   3.Presentation of the stimulus in relation to some of the organisms own

     behavior. => operant conditioning (associative learning)


 Habituation and Sensitization

.Habituation (definition) -- Given that a particular stimulus elicits a response,

repeated applications of the stimulus result in decreased response. The decrease is

usually a negative exponential function of the number of stimulus



2. Spontaneous Recovery -- If the stimulus is withdrawn following habituation

training, the response tends to recover over time.


          The vigor of an elicited response can be decreased or increased

          through the mechanisms habituation and sensitization (a decrease is

          due to habituation and an increase is due to sensitization).


General principlesf regulation

         There are two principles of regulation according to Domjan: 1)

          Regulated variables (for example your level of arousal or your core

          body temperature) are kept in a "target range" (i.e., within acceptable

          limits). 2) as a general principle of regulation by

          anyone other than Domjan.)


Effects of the repeated presentation of an eliciting



          Habituation is the decrease in response strength with repeated

          exposure to a particular eliciting stimulus. Sensitization is the increase

          in response strength with repeated exposure to a particular stimulus. (I

          would like to say here, that the discussion of habituation and

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 sensitization is VERY important! The reason I say this is that we

          can see these effects easily in our everyday lives. I will illustrate

          this in class with DEMO#1. Although Domjan does not make this

          clear, both these effects are very basic types of learning.)


Characteristics of habituation effects


          Effects of stimulus change. Lots of things affect habituation (That is

          to say: The exact characteristics of the eliciting stimulus (S) have

          an effect on the size or magnitude of the elicited response (R) with

          repeated exposure to that same stimulus.). Most importantly,

          habituation is reduced by any difference between the habituated

          stimulus and the test stimulus. Stimulus generalization of

          habituation refers to the increase in a previously habituated response,

          under any circumstances where the stimulus is changed. (All of this is

          not quite as simple as Domjan makes it seem. "Habituation" refers

          to a decrease in the strength of an elicited response with repeated

          elicitation by an identical stimulus. However, since even the

          slightest change in the stimulus attracts the attention of the subject,

          any habituated response gets stronger (or less habituated)

          whenever a new – or even a slightly changed – stimulus appears

          (even if the new stimulus is very similar to the one that was

          originally habituated. The graph in Figure 3.2 reflects the fact that

          a previously habituated stimulus (*) elicits a greater amount of

          habituation (i.e., smaller magnitude response) than even a slightly

          different stimulus (i.e., test stimuli anywhere left or right of * in fig.

          3.2). Furthermore, the size of the difference in the presented

          stimulus from the habituated test stimulus, the less habituation that

          will occur (i.e., stronger responses left and right of * in fig. 3.2).


          Effects of time. The only thing essential to recognize in this section is

          that habituated responses, in general, tend to recover the longer the

          time since the last occurrence or presentation of the habituated

          stimulus. The recovery of the response strength with time is called

          spontaneous recovery. (Save for later: We will discover later that

          spontaneous recovery (as well as other habituation phenomena)

          occurs in other types of learning situations also. With spontaneous

          recovery, the key is the passage of time without presentation of the

          stimulus (S) or elicitation of the response (R). Can you think of an

          experiment that could be used to test whether spontaneous

          recovery depends on the absence of the S or the absence of the



          Effects of stimulus intensity. The rate of change of the response (R)

          with repetition of the stimulus (S) is greater the weaker the stimulus

          and, conversely, is less the stronger the stimulus.


          Effects of exposure to a second stimulus. Look carefully at Fig.

          3.4. Dishabituation is somewhat like spontaneous recovery, except

          in this case the recovery of the previously habituated response

          depends on the presentation of a second (i.e., distracting) stimulus

          rather than the passage of time.




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Effects of time after a dishabituating stimulus. (We are really

          getting down to fine points here!) Basically, what Domjan is saying is

          that for a distractor to produce dishabituation, it has to be presented

          immediately before the next test trial with the habituated stimulus. If

          there is a long delay between the distractor and the next test trial,

          there won’t be as much dishabituation.


Characteristics of sensitization effects

A type of sensitization in humans


If you have ever burnt one on your fingers you might have noticed

that if you run your hands under warm water, your burnt finger

will hurt, even if it is the day after you burnt it. The warm water

normally does not cause any pain, but after burning your finger, it

is sensitized. Now the warm water causes pain.



High doses of cocaine produce a variety of behaviors,

including increased activity and stereotyped behaviors

like head bobs. Repeatedly giving an animal high doses

of cocaine also leads to tolerance, where more and more

of this drug of abuse is needed to produce an effect. If

animals are given lower doses of cocaine, however, no

obvious responses occur to the first dose. If the animal is

given this same low dose intermittently, for example

once every week, it develops an increased sensitivity to

the drug, as seen by increased locomotion and the

emergence of head bobs. Because these behaviors

emerge only after repeated drug administration,

something in the brain must be changing to produce the

sensitization. Independent student research projects in

my and Dr. Coughlin’s labs have examined the role of

other drugs in modifying the development and/or

expression of cocaine sensitization.



Domjan is trying in this section to argue that sensitization is the opposite of

habituation. However, as he notes, there are key differences. I think it is better

to think of sensitization as a special case of habituation in which the response

fails to decrease, or may actually increase in strength with repeated stimulation.

In fact, sensitization is much less common than habituation and typically only

occurs if the animal or person is irritated or aroused in some way, either by the

extreme intensity of the test stimulus itself, or by something else in the

environment – including the animal’s or person’s own internal environment. It

follows that individuals may differ in their response to a repeated stimulus,

depending on whether they find it or the situation irritating.





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Mechanisms of habituation and sensitization


(What does Domjan mean by "mechanisms" or "underlying mechanisms?")


The S-R system and the state system


The dual-process theory aims to explain both habituation and sensitization within

one framework (Such a framework is sometimes called a "theory" or a "model"

or a "paradigm" depending on how "grand" the theorists want to be. This is

our first encounter with theory but certainly not our last.) This section simply

points out the assumption of this particular dual-process theory that there are two

presumed sub-systems: 1) the S-R sub-system is responsible for producing a fixed

response to a stimulus (e.g., a reflex). 2) the "State System" is responsible for

modifying the state of the S-R system (thus accounting for the obvious variability of

the response as a function of the variability of the situation (e.g., stimulus timing,

stimulus intensity, distractors, etc.) The theory itself merely says that the actual

habituation or sensitization "phenomena" depend on the additive effects of two

processes (one of which is assumed to act on the State System - the sensitization

process and one of which is assumed to act on the S-R System - the habituation

process). These two "processes" get added together to produce the actual

observed "phenomena."

Implications of the duel-process theory

Whatever you do, don't let this theoretical discussion "spook" you. Theorists

love to observe some nice reliable behavioral phenomena, such as habituation

and sensitization, then come up with all kinds of imaginary ways that these

phenomena might occur. In this particular case, dual-process theory starts from

a very simplistic or "imaginary nervous system." It then goes on to make this

imaginary nervous system operate in just the right way to produce the

phenomena that it seeks to "explain." As Domjan points out, this theory is very

successful in explaining most of the short-term effects of repeated stimuli and

arousing stimuli. I, personally, like theorizing because it allows me to see all the

ways that you might make an imaginary system work to produce just the effects

you expect. On the other hand, some people don’t like all the uncertainty this

introduces about how the "real" systems work. We really need both kinds of

people in science -- those who guess (theorists) and those who check to see if

the guesses are correct (empiricists). This is how science progresses.

Previous studies of infant attention, learning, and memory have revealed that

 certain stimulus properties may increase an infant's arousal or excitation level,

 thereby increasing responsiveness and facilitating the encoding and processing of

 information. In a series of experiments aimed at identifying stimulus determinants of

 sensitization, we examined visual responses from 4-month-old infants to spectral

 lights. Habituation data were obtained from 92 full-term infants separated into one

 of five groups. Each group viewed either a broadband white light (correlated color

 temperature ≃ 2800 K) or one of four different spectral lights (d = 470,

 510, 570, or 650 nm) approximately corresponding to the elemental hues blue,

 green, yellow and red, respectively, for adults with normal trichromatic vision.

 Stimuli were equated in luminous efficiency for a standard infant observer. Stimulus

 fixation was recorded for twelve 10-s presentations, each separated by 10-s

 interstimulus intervals (ISIs). The results show that mean fixation times to the red

 and green lights were significantly greater than those for the blue and white light.

 Mean fixation time for the yellow light was also reduced (significantly) to the red

 but not the green light. These results suggest that the chromatic properties of red

 and green spectral lights may be more sensitizing to infants than those of the blue,


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