Psychology 191H Fall, 2006


Power Point presentations by students

Lecture 1         8/28/06 Beginning and Introduction

Lecture 2            8/30/06 History of Psychology

Lecture 3           09/01//06  History of Psychology continued

Lecture 4            09/04/06   History and now methods (why?)

Lecture 5         09/06/06   Scientific methods and observation

Lecture 6         09/08/06  Correlations and Experiments

Lecture 7           09/11/06    Experimental method and logical of statistical  inference       

Lecture 8                        09/13/06 Statistical inference and class presentations


Learning and Memory

Lecture 9               09/15/06   Stimulus Leaning and Pavlov

Lecture 10                   09/18/06

Lecture 11                09/20/06 Response Learning 

Lecture 12               09/22/06   Response Learning

Lecture 13                   09/25/06    Applications, Learned Helplessness & Field Trip

Lecture 14  Operant Contingencies and helplessness


Lecture 15  Sept 29  Memory  Dual Model of Encoding

Oct 2 Filed trip to Alpaca "Land" Alpaca Acres

          About Alpacas
Meet the Alpaca
Alpaca Types
Alpaca Breeding

Lecture 16 Oct 4 Memory II    Memory and applications


Oct 6 Film on Memory


Lecture 17 Oct 11 Memory presentation of applications and Flashbulb memory




Lecture 18 Oct 13 Biological Psychology and Neuroscience 


Lecture 19 Oct 16  Biological Psychology and Microanatomy


Lecture 20 Oct 18  Research in the Neurosciences  Sleep and Dreaming A


Oct 20    Student Presentations


Lecture 21 Oct 23 Health Psychology


Lecture 22  Oct 25th Positive Psychology

Lectures 23, 24   Mental Disorder

Lecture 23  Oct 30 Schizophrenia and possible causes

Lecture 24   Nov 1st Affective Disorders: Bipolar and Unipolar Depression.


Social Psychology

Lectures 25 & 26 Nov 6th and 8th Conformity and the Influence of the Situation.

Conformity II Nov 8th  


Lecture 27 and 28  Nov 13th & 15 Bystander Apathy, Fundamental Attribution Error, Social Interactions

Stanford Prison Study, Bystander Apathy & stereotyping and prejudice




Lecture 28    Nov 27   Forensic Psychology

Lecture 29     Nov 29  Forensic Psychology II

Lecture 3o      Forensic III







Class Presentations


History of Psychology and Methods of Research

Week 1 Aug 28-Sept 12

Aug 28-Sept 1

Anna Freud  Jessica L Bartock

Vygotsky’s Social Cultural Theory Robert L. Rapone

Carl Rogers  Eileen Gorczynski

Richard Suin   Matt Holdren  

Week 2 & 3  Sept 4-12

Experiments and Correlations

Jessica Milgram Part II

Rob Ipods

Eileen Conformity Ash

Matt Hand Temperature and test angst


Learning and Memory Week 4 and 5 Sept 14-Sept 27

Associative Learning Practical Applications: Pavlov

Rob Aversion therapy for Alcoholism

Eileen Placebos

Matt     Little Albert

Jess    Application Bladder control

Associative Learning Practical Applications: Skinner

Rob   Drug Addiction and Skinnerian Learning

Eileen Eating Disorders and Shaping

Matt  Premack  Applied

Jess Token Economy Applied


Sept 25th Applications Helplessness and Field Trip


Taking a PowerPoint break


Oct 2-11    Memory


Influences of the Biological Clock on Long Term Memory at Night

Rob  Infants and Language

Matt  Keys to a good memory: Daniel Schacter


Eileen   Photographic Memory 


Neurobiological Substrates of Behavior Oct 16-29


Eileen Physiology of Depression  

Jessica  Cocaine Addiction



Rob Emotions and the Limbic System 


Matt  Biopsychology of Language

________________________ Health Psychology_______________________

Rob Chronic Pain Management

Jessica The Three Pillars of Positive Psychology

Matt  The  Effects of Stress on the Immune SystemGo to fullsize image

Eileen  Positive Psychology and Buddhism


Behavioral Disorders Friday Nov 3rd.

Jessica Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Rob     OCD



Eileen  Schizoid Personality Disorder


Social Psychology Nov 6-Npv 17th

Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience I

Jess  The study of Obedience in  Job Interview



Rob Conformity

Eileen Hofling  and the Third Wave





Social Psychology II

Jess Bystander Apathy revisited

Matt Stereotype Threat  

Rob Stereotyping and test scores

Eileen In and  Out groups


Forensic Psychology Research

Rob False Confessions

Matt Eyewitness Feedback

Eileen False Confessions


Jess  Can the Brain detect Lying

Eileen Nature vs Nurture

Rob Voice Recognition