Student Presentations by presenters

1) Retributive-- is "undertaken to eliminate a real or potential threat", but again, these are "most likely to occur when one group dominates another group and fears its rebellion or when the other group actually rebels." The example given is that of the Hutu/Tutsi conflict in Rwanda. The Hutus mass murdered the Tutsi tribal members in 1994 (see Hotel Rwanda)  and it was savage and brutal. Continuing:, for example, was the 1970 parliamentary elections in Pakistan that showed the political power of East Pakistan and threatened the control over it by West Pakistan, and the power of the military government. They thus militarily seized East Pakistan and murdered over a million Bengali leaders


         Kathleen Mendola

         Brian Valente

             Cason Morrisette

          Tim Volkmar

             Kevin Suminski

          Dennis Sherba

10: 30  

Phil Smith

Andre Brown

Steve Oroho

Courtney Wilhellm

Kevin Gray

_____________to be filled




Group 2

2)  Developmental is where genocide is undertaken for economic gain.$  The case in Paraguay in the 1760's-70's where they deported/killed an estimated half of the native Indian population, to allow for the expansion of logging and cattle-raising enterprises in the nation's interior, would be an example. . Much of this type of genocide buy gun or sword or disease  is mostly related to, and here I should watch out, colonialism. The desire for money meant using slaves or killing slaves, or killing  nativeHawaiians or native Americans, or African tribes, or    nd any Hindus that the military were able to capture. Bangladesh Topic: Genocide to acquire economic wealth e.g., colonial dependencies


Matt Piccolo would like to do developmental, specifically I am interested on native Americans in upstate NY because I grew up in the middle of a region rich with their heritage (the Seneca and Cayuga Indians)

Larry Mark

Jeff Foote

Megan Shierling

Don McIntosh

Louis Rivera


Caroline Bayard

Sean Cilano

Zach Rodriguez

Mark Magro

Brittney  Summers

Robin Sanders


  Group 3

Despotic-- is intended to "spread terror” among real or potential enemies". Examples of this are    Ugandan presidents Idi Amin and Milton Obote, who killed hundreds of thousands of (internal) Ugandans who opposed their power. Spreading terror, have been the genocides and democides carried out by communist societies, for example, in the Ukraine where those resisting or perceived to be enemies of the ideology were  murdered, or  starved such as landlords, Kulaks farmers, nationalists, "right-wingers," and "counterrevolutionaries." It is “ I am going to scare you” so you do not engage in this threatening political behavior by killing a whole bunch of you. This is bully genocide. Harvest of Terror Ukrainian Genocide conducted by Stalin 1932-35


Kristina Mazzie

Chelsea Hall

Sean Hargraves

Caitlin Morris

Janelle Greeley

Kevin Miller



Jeff Lander

Colleen Beaudette Irish Holocaust

Joe Aquino

 Ryan Cominsky

 Emily Dietsch

Peter Ash


Group 4

4.                Ideological Genocide --where social homogeneity is sought, through 'ethnic cleansing' of internal 'pollutants'.  This is an attempt to annihilate an entire group for religious, racial, social inferiority reasons.   This would include examples of the Nazi Holocaust. Hitler’s Nazis charge was the eliminations of the Jews—total elimination.  Armenian massacres also fits this model , and the Cambodian purges do as well.  Dancing Through Death: The Monkey, Magic & Madness Of Cambodia FilmThe Khmer Rouge Killing Machine Genocide in East Timor Dancing Through Death:


Tim Mulholland

Kaelin Colton

Joe Scotto

Jordan Donahue

Javier Qiinones

Clare Bachman


Sara Meyer

Kyle Lester

Theresa Canavan

Greg Green

Help ______________to be filled?
