International Congress on Hermeneutics

at St. Bonaventure University

St. Bonaventure, NY


in collaboration with

St. Bonaventure University Theology Department

 May 5-10, 2002


Official sponsors:

 St. Bonaventure University

The Franciscan Friars of the Holy Name Province

The Franciscan Institute

St. Bonaventure Visiting Scholars Committee


 The Congress provided a forum for well established theologians and philosophers of various orientations and backgrounds from Europe and the Americas where they shared their insights into the methods, norms, and sources of theological hermeneutics.

All papers delivered at the Conference are published in a separate volume Between the Human and the Divine. Philosophical and Theological Hermeneutics  that can be ordered directly by contacting


Picture Gallery




Organizing Committee:

Dr. Andrzej Wiercinski, Toronto


Dr. Oleg Bychkov, St. Bonaventure University

(716) 375-2443