A. Elements of Arts


Text on music


Art media



1a-b. Line, melody



2c-d. Color, tone color




B. Elements of design in arts



1. Theme



2. Rhythm



3. Composition






Formal principles in a work of art are closely linked to the most immediate biological and psychological response of the human brain (sense perception). This is why it is important to start with a survey of the peculiarities of sense perception of various art media and the most common formal principles that govern different art forms.

A. Elements of arts.

Due to the fact that the primary art forms (excluding synthetic ones) explore different areas of our perceptive field and use completely different media and techniques, in many respects they do not have much in common. However, it is still possible to find some common elements of the most general type if one looks at different art forms from the point of view of their formal elements.

B. Elements of design in arts

It is even easier to find some common elements if one looks at different art forms from the point of view of their design: composition, rhythmical structure, etc., although these formal principles work differently in different art forms. It can be shown that formal elements of design play the most prominent part in the art forms that deal with images and sound (e.g., painting and instrumental music). Regarding literature, it can be said that from the point of view of form it resembles other arts, in the sense that in literature a far more important role belongs to meaning.