1. Anthropology

After the pioneering work of anthropologists one cannot ignore the role of social patterns in the construction of myths. Myths are "blueprints" or "charters" for the tribal society. By way of constructing myths, society imprints on its members acceptable patterns of behavior and resolves social conflicts.

Bibliography and texts:
Malinowski, B. "In Tewara and Sanaroa-Mythology of the Kula." Malinowski and the work of myth. I. Strenski ed. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1992.

---. "Myth in Primitive Psychology." In Malinowski and the work of myth. I. Strenski ed. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1992, pp. 77-116.

Videos: Off the verandah (Films for the Humanities, 1990); The Trobriand Islanders of Papua New Guinea (Series: Disappearing World, T.H.A. Media Distributors, 1991)