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First Order Franciscan Reform Groups


Spirituals, 1274-1317
[G. Barone (DIP), D. L. Douie (NCE), A. Ghinato (EC), P. Godefroy (DTC), L. Oliger   (DS) / Moorman 108-110, et al.]
David Muzzey.
The Franciscan Spirituals. Washington, D.C.:  Catholic University, 1914.  
Malcolm Lambert “The Franciscan Crisis Under John XXII” Franciscan Studies 32 (1972) 123-143
David Burr. The Spiritual Franciscans: From Protest to Persecution in the Century after Saint Francis.
          University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001. 
                 (This work also contains material on many of the early reform groups below) 
See also: Peter John Olivi, Ubertino da Casale, Angelo Clareno


Celestines, 1294-1317  
[C. L. Hohl (NCE), L. Oliger (EC), C. Schmitt (DIP)
Celestini delle Marche/   Moorman 195-196, et al.]  
Also called: Poor Hermits of Pope Celestine
Founders: Pope Celestine V (1215-1296), Peter of Macerata


Fraticelli, 1317-1467  
[D. L. Douie (NCE), C. Schmitt (DIP) / Moorman 453-456]
Decima L. Douie. The Nature and Effect of the Heresy of the Fraticelli. Manchester:  University Press, 1932.


Clareni, 1317-1473 [1517, 1568]
[J. Cambell (NCE), C. Schmitt (DIP) / Moorman 496-497]
Founder: Peter of Macerata
See also: Angelo Clareno


Villacreziani, 1403-1471 (Conventual)  
[Moorman 379-380]
Founder: Peter of Villacresces (d. 1422) [G. Odoardi (DIP)]


Colettans, 1412-1517 (Conventual)
[G. Odoardi (DIP) / Moorman 553-556]
On Colette of Corbie (1381-1447) see: M. F. Laughlin (NCE), Mariano da Alatri (BS)  Elisabeth Lopez. Culture et Saintete, Colette de Corbie (1381-1447). Saint-Etienne:  Publications de l’Universite, 1994.


Martinistae, 1430-1517
[G. Odoardi (DIP) / Moorman 481]


Amadaens, 1460-1517 [1568] (Conventual)
[B. Pandzic (DIP) / Moorman 497-498]
Founder: Amadeo Menez de Sylva (1420-1482) [B. Pandzic (DIP)]


Capreolanti, 1467-1480 (Observant)
[C. Schmitt (DIP) / Moorman 498-499]
Founder: Peter of Capriolo (d. 1480)


Recollects (Iberian), 1487-1517 (Observant)
[A. Matinez Cuesta, J. Poulenc (DIP) “Recollezione”]


Guadalupans, 1496-1517 (Conventual)
[G. Odoari (DIP) / Moorman 499-500]
Also called: Scalzi, Puebliti [G. Odoari (DIP)]
Founders: John de la Puebla (d. 1495) [G. Odoardi (DIP)] ; John of Guadalupe [G. Odoardi (DIP)]


Conventual: Alcantrines, 1517-1563
[G. Odoardi, A. G. Matanic (DIP) “Alcantrini”]
Also called: Pasqualiti [G. Odoardi (DIP)]
On John Pasqual (d. 1557) see: G. Odoardi (DIP)
On Peter of Alcantra (1499-1562) see: A. Blasucci (BS), A. Ghinato (EC), A.G. Matanic, G. Odoardi (DIP), J. B. Wuest (NCE)   Vida Y Escritos de San Pedro de Alcantara / ed. Rafael Sanz Valdivieso. Madrid: BAC,       1996. (Misticos Franciscanos Espanoles ; 1)


Observant: Riformati, 1532-1897
[R. Sbardella (DIP) “Riformati Francescani”]


Conventual: Reformed, 1557-1668


Observant: Alcantrines, Discalced, 1563-1897
[G. Odoardi, A. G. Matanic (DIP) “Alcantrini”]
See also references to Peter of Alcantra above


Observant: Recollects, 1579-1897
[A. Martinez Cuesta, J. Poulenc (DIP) “Recollezione” / P. Peano (DIP) “Recolleti”]


Observant: Riformella, 1662-1897
[R. Sbardella (DIP) “Riformelle Francescane”]


Compiled by Paul J. Spaeth


Franciscan Institute Library 
The Franciscan Institute ; St. Bonaventure University ; Friedsam Memorial Library