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Cross Listing of Courses Policy



A cross-listed course is a single course that may be offered in two academic subject areas when significant cross-disciplinary content exists.



  1. Cross-listing designations must be approved through the normal course approval process by the Faculty Senate or Graduate Council, as applicable, before they can be listed in either the undergraduate or graduate catalogs or in the scheduled course offerings.

  2. Cross-listed courses must be identified in the appropriate catalog as such.  Each course description will end with: "Cross-listed with (Prefix and course number).

  3. Cross-listed courses should have identical course descriptions.

  4. No more than two courses may be cross-listed with each other.

  5. Students may receive credit for only one of the cross-listings in a pair even if the courses were taken in different semesters and under a different academic subject area.

  6. Cross-listings must be between courses of a similar academic level

  1. Cross-listed courses should have identical course description and any changes to the descriptions should be approved by both academic areas.

  2. The Dean(s) of the involved area(s), to accommodate pilot initiatives, may approve paired course offerings.


Approved by the Faculty Senate: February 24, 2012

Approved by the President: March 6, 2012