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Welcome to the St. Bonaventure University Governing Documents Web site!

You can see, at a glance, all of the information available on this site by consulting this page.

Consult the Record of Changes for details on what has been changed and why.



Brief History of the University
Charter of the University

Board of Trustees By-Laws


Organizational Charts 

All organizational charts (one PDF file)


Governing Handbooks

Faculty Status and Welfare Handbook*

Faculty Senate

Faculty Committee on Recommendations ByLaws Staff Handbook

Staff Senate Constitution and Bylaws

Student Government Association Graduate Council *Specific revision procedures, as defined within these documents, will be followed for these items.

Human Resources (HR) Policies


Selected Institutional Policies


NOTE: Policies related to benefits, performance appraisal, paid leaves of absences and unpaid leaves of absences can be found in the faculty, administrators, and hourly employee handbooks.



Academic Policies and Procedures