NOTE: Please refresh this page when viewing to ensure you see the most recent updates. SEARCH TIP: Policies are organized by category. If you are not quickly finding what you need, use your browser's search function (press CTRL and F in most browsers). Welcome to the St. Bonaventure University Governing Documents Web site! You can see, at a glance, all of the information available on this site by consulting this page. Consult the Record of Changes for details on what has been changed and why.
Brief History of the University
Charter of the University
Organizational Charts
All organizational charts (one PDF file)
Faculty Status and Welfare Handbook*
Faculty Senate
Faculty Committee on Recommendations ByLawsStaff Senate Constitution and Bylaws
Student Government AssociationHuman Resources (HR) Policies
Faculty Status & Welfare Handbook (see link under Governing Handbooks, above)
Reproductive Health Decision Making, Prohibition of Discrimination Based on
Staff Handbook (see link under Governing Handbooks, above)
Selected Institutional Policies
Advancement Policies
Bias-Related Harassment and Discrimination Policies and Procedures
Business Office
Electronic Resources, Policy on Responsible and Acceptable Use
Related Policies:
Financial Aid Policies
Graduate Tuition Waivers--Ineligibility for Part-Time Employees
SEE ALSO: Tuition Exchange and Tuition Remission under the Human Resources (HR) Section
Gender-Based Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures--See "Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment Policy and Procedures"
Information Security Policy and Procedures
Includes Data Breach Response Procedure and Form; Data Classification Standard; Data Transmission and Storage Standard; Document Retention Standard; Endpoint Security Standard; amd Password Standard
Political Campaign Guidelines
Scheduling Policies
Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment Policy and Procedures
Student Complaint Policy and Procedures (linked from MySBU)
NOTE: Policies related to benefits, performance appraisal, paid leaves of absences and unpaid leaves of absences can be found in the faculty, administrators, and hourly employee handbooks.
Academic Policies and Procedures
Academic Advising
Academic Calendars and Course Scheduling
Academic Integrity
Undergraduate policy: Academic Integrity / Academic Honesty Policy and Definition of Academic Honesty
Graduate policy (linked from
Academic Programs
APEC (Academic Program Evaluation Committee)
Suspension, Discontinuance, or Consolidation of an Undergraduate Academic Program
Courses, Credit Hours, Independent Studies, etc.
Department Chair Duties
Academic Policy on Undergraduate Department Chair Duties and Responsibilities
Institutional Review Board (IRB) (requires MySBU login to view)
School of Education: Governance of Teacher Education Programs
Tuition Waivers (for persons supervising students in local agencies, etc.)
Transfer Students and Transfer Credit Policy--See Undergraduate Catalog