The "Franciscan Teaching Internship" is a program whose purpose is to allow qualified Franciscan men and women to gain experience of college level teaching in order to clarify their interest and suitability for academic work as well as to promote the ongoing presence of Franciscans on campus, which enriches academics as well as student life.
Men and women who are committed to the vowed religious life of a Franciscan while simultaneously being committed to the life of intellectual inquiry are invited to apply to be a "Franciscan Teaching Intern." The university's hope is that such men and women would go on to complete their formal academic training and consider the possibility of applying for a faculty position at St. Bonaventure University as opportunities arise. Criteria and process for appointment will follow the normal criteria and process of appointing Lecturers with the following modifications:
1. The religious order, province, or other supervisory body are expected to help pay the intern’s salary.
2. Specific criteria for selection and the duties of Franciscan Interns will be kept by the Vice President of Academic Affairs, who will make it available to interested faculty, prospective interns or the heads of Franciscan orders, provinces or congregations with eligible members.
3. Normally appointments are for one year, with the possibility of a one-year renewal.