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Advisory Groups
and Appointment of Advisory Groups Policy
It is the intent of this policy to establish advisory groups to academic or
support programs as official institutional entities whose creation and
appointments are subject to the approval of the President.
Advisory groups, consisting of external community members, leaders and
individuals with professional expertise and specified credentials, are
recognized in a higher education community as mechanisms that can effectively
support the processes related to the development of new academic and support
programs and the modification of existing programs. Further advisory groups can
provide valuable input into degree requirements, facilities and other resource
needs and development, and skill and knowledge sets that students and graduates
must possess in order to be competitive in the workforce/professional fields.
Many programmatic accreditations require that academic and support departments
elicit the counsel and support of external advisory groups.
At St. Bonaventure University, advisory groups also serve the following
specific mission-critical roles:
- Advisory groups provide assistance with establishing pathways to
internships, graduate schools and/or careers for students at St. Bonaventure
University. Every meeting of an advisory group includes an agenda item or
experience that serves to advance this role of the group.
- Generally, members of advisory groups have a history of and continuing
commitment to philanthropic support to St. Bonaventure University. They may
also have been identified as a prospect for or conduit to philanthropic
support. Every meeting or the advisory group includes an agenda item or
experience that serves to advance the fund raising role of the advisory
group while also ensuring alignment of such activities with the Advancement
division of the University.
- Advisory group members may also be appointed to bring unique and necessary
expertise or opportunities to the advisory group and the program it serves.
In an effort to ensure that our academic and support programs can benefit
from the counsel and support of external advisory groups, St. Bonaventure
University endorses the establishment of such groups in accordance with the
following procedures.
- Academic and support departments wishing to establish an external advisory
group should submit to the appropriate academic dean (for academic
departments) or to the appropriate vice president (for support departments)
a written request and proposal that outlines the perceived need for the
advisory group and its role, function and purpose along with a list of
proposed members. The proposal should also identify the faculty or staff
member who will serve as the liaison to the advisory group. This narrative
statement need not exceed two typed pages.
- Proposed lists of advisory group members must be developed in cooperation
with Advancement and Alumni Relations.
- In the case of academic departments, the Dean forwards the proposal to the
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs indicating his or her level
of support or endorsement along with any reservations or appropriate
- Vice Presidents will consult with the President on all proposals.
- With the Vice President's and the President's endorsement, approvals will
be granted, in writing, to the Dean or Director with a directive to prepare
letters of appointment to the advisory group for the President's signature
and transmittal.
- The Vice President will return those proposals that are not approved to
the Dean or Director with explanation as appropriate.
- The Vice President for University Advancement or his/her designee is an ex
officio member of all advisory groups.
- The respective Vice President is an ex officio member of all
advisory groups in his/her division.
- The respective Dean is an ex officio member of all academic program
advisory groups. In the case of graduate program advisory groups, the Dean
of Graduate Studies and the School-Level Dean are both ex officio
for Approval by: Dr. Michael Fischer, Provost and Vice President for Academic
Approved by
the President's Cabinet: August 14, 2012
Review Date:
As Required