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Electronic Resources, Policy on the Responsible and Acceptable Use of

Updated May 2007 (from Faculty Senate motion passed on Feb. 2, 2007)


St. Bonaventure University requires the ethical, legal, and secure use of computing and electronic communications by all members of the St Bonaventure community.



This policy applies to all students, faculty, and staff at St. Bonaventure and will guide their use of electronic resources in support of our academic mission.

For the purposes of this policy, electronic resources are defined as all computer-related equipment, computer systems, software/ network applications (including email), interconnecting networks (such as Internet access), facsimile machines, audio/visual equipment, voicemail and other telecommunications facilities, as well as all information contained therein (collectively, "electronic resources") owned or managed by the University.

Policy: Access

Access to electronic resources is granted to faculty, staff and students of the University in accordance with this policy. Faculty and staff are typically provided with a desktop computer (with network/internet/email access) and a telephone connection as needed to perform job duties. In addition, public computing facilities are available and network access is provided in residence halls, apartments, and classrooms to support instruction, research, and learning.

Technology Services will provide network accounts to eligible users. These accounts provide access to various systems (such as email, administrative software, voice mail, and/or discipline specific academic software) as required.

Technology Services will do its best to provide reliable service to the SBU community but access to all systems 24 hours/day is not guaranteed. Technology Services will notify users of problems or scheduled maintenance in a timely fashion and whenever possible, will explain the reasons for any downtime.

Cooperative Computing

Collegiality involves the practice of cooperative computing and requires:

Appropriate Use

All users of University electronic resources are expected to utilize such resources in a responsible, ethical and legal manner consistent with St. Bonaventures mission and policies.

The following are categories of inappropriate and prohibited use of electronic resources with some examples to explain each category:

1. Use that impedes, interferes with, impairs, or otherwise causes harm to the activities of others.

Examples include:

2. Use that is inconsistent with St. Bonaventures non-profit status.

Examples include:


3. Use damaging the integrity of internal/external systems.

Examples include:

4. Use in violation of law.

Examples include:

5.     Use in violation of University contracts.

All use of university systems must be consistent with the University's contractual obligations, including limitations defined in software and other licensing agreements.


6. Use in violation of University policy. Use of electronic resources cannot violate other University policies such as:

In the event of a conflict between this policy and the St. Bonaventure University's Academic Freedom Policy, the Academic Freedom policy will take precedence over this policy.

7. Use in violation of external data network policies.

Users must observe all applicable policies of external data networks when using such networks.


Account Suspension/Revocation:

Improper use of university technology may result in the suspension or revocation of account access. In addition, access to computing facilities can be suspended, denied, or limited by Technology Services in order to maintain the operation and/or integrity of university systems and/or systems reachable by the SBU system. Any infraction in policies may result in the disabling of an account and may also result in charges being filed with the proper authorities.

Technology Services administrators will make the initial determination to suspend or deny a user's access to his/her account based on a known infraction. Appeals or further adjudication will be handled through the student judicial process for students or through immediate supervisors for faculty, administrators, and staff. Technology Services (or other university officials) shall not actively monitor user files, email, and account content unless directed by law enforcement or the normal university judicial process.


Students will automatically be assigned a network account. Faculty and staff will be required to sign the attached form when receiving account access. The signature indicates that they have been given a copy of this policy and that they understand their use of university electronic resources and computer technologies is subject to the provisions in this policy.


St. Bonaventure University

Application for Network Access


Employee Status: [ ] Faculty [ ] Adjunct Faculty [ ] Staff [ ] Part-time Staff [ ] Special Status – Explain :_____________________________________________________

Last First M.I.

Campus Phone #:__________________________________________________________


I have received a copy of St. Bonaventures policy on the responsible and acceptable use of electronic resources and understand that my use of university electronic resources and computer technologies is subject to the provisions in this policy.




Once an account is created, users will receive the following information: Username: Initial Password:

Please note that when you log in to your account for the first time you will be required to change your password. Passwords must meet the following complexity requirements:

·         The password does not contain either the users first name or last name

·         The password is at least six characters long

·         The password contains characters from at least three of the following categories:

o      English uppercase characters (A-Z)

o      English lowercase characters (a-z)

o      Base 10 digits (0-9)

o      Non-alphanumeric (e.g.:!, $,#, or %)

POLICY HISTORY: This policy was last revised by a Senate motion April 1, 2005.