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Record of Changes
September 2013 - Present

For changes made previously, please consult the record of previous changes.

Date Change Made Date Change Authorized Authorized By Document Changed Description of Change
9/20/2013 9/20/2013 President Organizational charts Organizational charts were updated
10/14/2013 10/13/2013 President (via T. Buttafarro) Harassment (CODAH) A new version of the document was uploaded.
2/19/2014 12/17/2013 President Background Check Process New policy added
2/19/2014 11/21/2013 President Cash Control Policy New policy added
2/19/2014 1/23/2014 President Position Classification & Promotion Policy New policy added
2/19/2014 1/13/2014 President Recruitment Policy & Procedures New policy added
6/2014 5/8/2014 Faculty Senate, President Syllabus Policy A revision was posted
6/2014 6/6/2014 Faculty Senate, President Credit Hour Definition A revision was posted to add the definition of a studio course
6/2014 6/6/2014 Faculty Senate, President Academic Evaluation Guidelines The Summative and Formative Uses of Student Ratings document contains the official evaluation guidelines
6/2014 6/6/2014 Faculty Senate, President Academic Course Evaluations New language was added regarding distribution of course evaluation results
8/2014 8/2014 President Petty Cash Policy New policy added
9/2014 9/2014 President Organizational charts Organizational charts were updated
10/2014 10/2014 VP Student Life (R. Trietley) Title IX Student Life Division Flowchart & Timeline Updated document posted
10/2014 10/2014 VP Student Life (R. Trietley) Code of Conduct Updated link to current code posted
10/2014 10/2014 SGA (A. Noguerola, pres) SGA Constitution Updated link to current constitution posted
10/2014 10/2014 Cabinet/President Employee Lodging Policy & Procedure New policy added
5/2014 10/2014 Faculty referendum/Bd Faculty Status & Welfare Handbook A new version of the Handbook was uploaded, after proofreading
9/2014 10/2014 Faculty Senate/President Transfer of Credit from Proprietary Schools Policy Policy was deleted because it was obsolete
9/2014 10/2014 Faculty Senate/President Transfer, Students, Community College Policy Policy was deleted because it was obsolete
9/2014 10/2014 Faculty Senate/President Clare Course Substitution Policy Policy was deleted because it was obsolete
9/2014 10/2014 Faculty Senate/President Transfer Students and Transfer Credits Policy Policy was updated to reflect current practice
12/2014 9/2014 Board of Trustees University Advancement: Gift Acceptance Policy Policy was updated
12/6/2013 3/2014 Faculty Senate/President Suspension, Discontinuance, or Consolidation of an Undergraduate Academic Program at SBU Policy was updated
4/10/2015 4/2015 Faculty Senate/President Syllabi policy Policy was updated
11/7/2014   Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Bylaws Student Life committee name changed to Student Affairs
9162-15 0162015 President Gender-Based & Sexual Misconduct Policy New policy was added
11/2015 10/2015 President/Cabinet Financial Aid Policies
--International Students--Academic Scholarships
--Merit Scholarships-Semester Limit
--ROTC Room & Board Benefits
New policies
11/2015 11/2015 President/Cabinet CODAH/Discrimination & Harassment Policy was updated to reflect changes in law
11/2015 9/2015 Board Board of Trustees Bylaws Bylaws were updated
11/2015 10/2015 Faculty Senate/President Grade Change Policy Deleted mention of "IP" grade option since IP grades are no longer used.
11/2015 10/2015 Faculty Senate/President Student Grade Appeals Policy Deleted mentio of "WF" and "WP" grade options since these grades are no longer used.
11/2015 11/2015 Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Bylaws Bylaws were updated according to changes passed at the 11/13/2015 Senate meeting.
2/2016 2/2016 Director of Operations Purchasing Card Policy Updated document from 2005 version to 2016 version since changes were made.
2/2016 2/2016 Director of Operations Student Complaint Procedures and Policy New policy created for new Student Complaint Form system as well as new information.
3/2016 3/2016 Cabinet Graduate Waivers-Ineligibility for Part-Time Employees Policy New policy created for Grauate Ineligibility for Part-Time Employment Waiver
5/2016 5/2016 CODAH, Cabinet Nepotism Policy A revised Nepotism Policy was posted
5/2016 5/2016  CODAH, Cabinet Consensual Relations Policy A revised Consensual Relations Policy was posted
6/2016 6/2016 President Travel Policy A new SBU Travel Policy was posted
6/2016 6/2016 President/Board Organizational charts Updated organizational charts were posted
8/2016 6/2016 Board of Trustees Board of Trustees Bylaws A revised set of bylaws was posted
8/2016 7/2016 President/Cabinet Withdrawal Refund Policy A new policy was added
8/2016 7/2016 President/Cabinet Tuition Remission Policy and Guidelines (including online graduate programs) Updated policy and guidelines were posted
8/2016 7/2016 President/Cabinet Military Aligned Student Assistance Grant New Policy added
8/2016 5/2016 President/Cabinet Information Security Policy & Procedures A new policy and several standards/procedures were added.
12/2016 12/2016 President/Cabinet Overtime pay policy A revised overtime pay policy was added; the existing Employee and Administrator's Handbooks need to be revised.
12/2016 12/2016 President/Cabinet Designated Holidays, Paid Time Off & Holiday Closure Policy A revised holiday, paid time off & holiday closure policy was added; the existing Holiday Policy was removed (outdated)
12/2016 12/2016 President/Cabinet Emergency Call-In Differential Policy A new policy was added
12/2016 12/2016 President/Cabinet Sick and Vacation Leave Programs: All Non-Faculty Employees Revised sick and vacation leave program policy was added; the existing Employee and Administrator's Handbooks need to be revised.
2/2017 2/2017 Provost/VPAA Administrator's Handbook--Administrative Appointments The Department Chair section was added to the Administrative Appointments page.
4/2017 4/2017 President/Cabinet Service & Emotional Support Animals Policy A new policy was added
4/2017 4/2017   Tuition Remission Policy Revisions were made to the existing policy.
4/27/17 5/2017 President/Cabinet Recruitment Policy & Procedures, Staff Revisions were made to the existing policy
5/3/17 5/2017 President/Cabinet Tuition Remission Policy Revisions were made to the existing policy
7/2017 2/2016 Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Bylaws Article IV, Section 7 was revised to call for referred motions to be brought back by the next Senate meeting
7/2017 5/2016 Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Bylaws Duties of the Constitution Committee were amended and the composition of the Enrollment & Marketing Committee were updated
7/2017 9/2016 Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Bylaws The agenda deadline was updated
7/2017 11/2016 Faculty Senate Academic Honesty Policy The Academic Honesty Policy was updated
7/2017 1/2017 Faculty Senate Academic Calendar Guidelines The guidelines were updated to reflect that Martin Luther King, Jr. Day would be a day off and that classes would start one week later. A statement was also added that the Senate will consult with the Grad Council on calendar issues that would affect them.
7/2017 4/2017 Faculty Senate Faculty Committee on Recommendations Bylaws Updates were made regarding when the first meeting would be convened, how the chair is chosen
7/2017 4/2017 Faculty Senate APEC representative elections A new policy regarding how APEC representatives are elected was added
12/2017 10/2017 Faculty Senate Academic Calendar Guidelines Changed when classes start in the Spring semester to the Tuesday following Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and changed the number of required intact M-F weeks from 12 to 11.  Also, consolidated all remaining academic calendar guidelines into one link on the index page.
1/2018 1/2018 Faculty Senate Course Removal/Inactivation The wording of the policy was revised to refer to the course reactivation proposal process, rather than the course approval process.
3/2018 3/2001 Faculty Senate Academic Restoration Program The Constitution Committee of the Faculty Senate discovered that this policy had never been included in the Governing Documents. This was a new policy.
3/2018 12/2004 Faculty Senate Grade Appeals The Constitution Committee of the Faculty Senate discovered that minor wording changes, approved in 2004, had not been included in the policy.
3/2018 9/2017 Faculty Senate Honor Students An additional paragraph was added to the policy regarding registration.
9/2018 10/2018 Faculty Senate Credit Hour Policy The credit hour policy was updated to include a definition for clinical courses.
11/2018 Fall 2018 President's Office Organizational charts Organizational charts were updated to most recent version.
11/2018 Fall 2018 President's Office Conflict of Interest Policy The Conflict of Interest policy was updated to its most recent version.
11/2018 Fall 2018 President's Office Whistleblower Policy The Whistleblower Policy was updated to the most recent version.
11/2018 Fall 2018 President's Office Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct Policy Supplement A supplement was added next to the existing Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct Policy
2/2019 2/2019 President's Office University Closing Policy The University Closing Policy was removed because it will now be closing procedures, which will be covered under the Emergency Preparedness Plan.
2/2019 2/2019 President's Office Gender-Based Sexual Misconduct Policy and Supplement These documents were removed from the Governing Documents site and replaced with a link on because the documents change periodically. This will assure that the most current version is available.
9/2019 9/2019 Council Organizational charts Updated 2019 organizational charts were posted.
10/2019 10/2019 Pres Council Tuition Remission Policy An updated policy was posted.
10/2019 10/2019 Faculty Senate Intellectual Property Rights Policy Two phrases/sentences were added to the policy, as per the 10/11/2019 meeting.
10/2019 10/2019 VP Student Affairs Link to Code of Conduct The link to the current Code of Conduct was updated.
11/2019 11/2019 Grievance Committee Grievance Complaint Form & Log Two files were added to facilitate the work of the Grievance Committee. These are not policy changes.
5/2019 5/2019 Faculty Senate/President Credit Hour Policy The clinical credit hour portion of the Credit Hour Policy was revised to account for nursing student needs.
6/2020 6/2020 Sr Leadership Retiree Definition and Benefits A new policy was added to the site
7/2020 7/2020 Sr Leadership Alternate Work Arrangements during the COVID-19 Pandemic A new document with guidelines and procedures was added.
11/2020 5/2020  Board Board of Trustees Bylaws An update to the Board of Trustees Bylaws was posted.
11/2020 10/2020 President Gender-Based Discrimination & Sexual Misconduct Policy & Procedures An updated policy and procedures document was posted.
11/2020 10/2020 T. Buttafarro American Council on Education (ACE) Political Campaign-Related Activities of and at Colleges & Universities A guideline document on this matter was posted in the Institutional Policies section.
11/2020 10/2020 President Organizational Charts Updated 2020 Organizational charts were posted.
11/2020     Link to Graduate School Academic Integrity Policy A link (from to the Graduate School Academic Integrity policy was added, so that it would be easier to find the document.
12/2020   Nancy K. Taylor Document Retention Policy The Document Retention Policy was removed because it is included in the Information Security Policy and Procedures governing document.
7/2021 7/2021 President Immunization Policy for Students New policy was added
9/2021 6/2021 Board Faculty Status & Welfare Handbook updates Updates from the two 2021 faculty referenda were approved by the Board of Trustees and added to the handbook.
9/2021   Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Bylaws Faculty Senate Bylaws were updated with changes passed by the Senate
9/2021 7/2021 President Students with Disabilities Policy The policy was replaced with a new one
9/2021 7/2021 Cabinet Subaward Policy A new policy was added.
9/2021   Cabinet Alternate Work Arrangements The policy was revised to reflect post-COVID changes
9/2021 9/2021 President Cleary Act Policy A new policy was added to the site.
9/2021 9/2021 President Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy The Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy replaced the former Gender-Based Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy
9/2021 9/2021 President Campus Security Authority (CSA) Policy A new policy was added to the site.
9/2021 9/2021 Cabinet Gender-Based Discrimination & Sexual Misconduct Policy & Procedures An update to the policy was issued.
10/2021 10/2021 President's Office Organizational Charts Annual update to organizational charts
10/2021 10/2021 Board Board of Trustees Bylaws The Board bylaws were revised.
10/2022 10/2022 President's Office Organizational Charts Annual update to organizational charts
11/2022 6/2022 Board & Senate Faculty Status and Welfare Handbook Changes were inserted in Article VI (Faculty Services) starting with Section C
11/2022 11/2022 President Confidential Employee Complaint Policy A new policy was added to the HR section of the site
11/2022 11/2022 HR Policies were moved to the HR section of the site; none of the policies were modified The following policies were moved to the HR section of the site (with a "see-also" link temporarily appearing where the policies were formerly listed on the Index page): Alternate Work Arrangements, H-1B Policy, Permanent Residency Sponsorship Policy, Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy, Tuition Remission Policy, and Whistleblower policy.
11/2022 11/2022 HR Faculty Status & Welfare Handbook & the Staff Handbook duplicate links; neither was modified Duplicate links for the Faculty Status & Welfare Handbook & the Staff Handbook were placed under the HR section
11/2022 11/2022 HR Adjustment to Handbook section; policies were not modified Language was removed that indicated that the Staff Handbook was the replacement for the Administrator's Handbook and the Hourly Employee Handbook. The former handbook titles had not been used for many years so these references were no longer needed.
1/2023 1/2023 HR/President Tuition Exchange Policy An updated Tuition Exchange policy was added
1/2023 1/2023 HR/President Giant Step Policy A new Giant Step Policy was added
1/2023 1/2023 HR/President Tuition Remission Policy An updated Tuition Remission Policy was added
1/2023 1/2023 HR/President PTO (Paid Time Off) Policy A new PTO policy was added
1/2023 1/2023 HR/President Confidential Employee Complaint Policy A revised Confidential Employee Complaint Policy was posted.
1/2023 1/2023 HR PTO (Paid Time Off) Policy An error in the posted PTO policy was corrected and a new file was linked.
9/2023 Spring 2023 Faculty & Board Faculty Status & Welfare Handbook Approved changes from referendum
11/2023 10/25/2023 President Overtime & Double-Time Pay Policy New policy replaced old Overtime Pay Policy
11/2023 11/2023 Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Bylaws Cross-Membership for Compensation and Finance Committees
12/2023 11/2023 President Fixed Asset Disposal Policy New policy added
12/2023 11/2023 President Construction Management Policy New policy added
2/2024 2/2024 President Gender-Based Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures Updated policy uploaded to replace previous policy
3/2024 3/2024 Faculty Senate Tenure & Promotion Guidelines Tenure & Promotion guidelines were added
5/2024 4/2024 Faculty Senate/President Faculty Committee on Recommendations Bylaws Revisions passed by the Faculty Senate at its April 2024 meeting.
5/2024 5/2024 Ann Lehman / Tom Buttafarro American Council on Education (ACE)
Political Campaign-Related Activities of and at Colleges and Universities
Policy has been updated by ACE; new policy was linked in place of the old one
5/2024 5/2024 President Bias-Related Harassment and Discrimination Policies and Procedures

This policywas previously in the Student Code of Conduct but had to be updated to include mandatory hate crime reporting in NYS. Because of the required reporting, it also needs to be in the governing documents.


7/2024 7/2024 President's Office Four outdated policies were removed Casual Dress Policy, Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures (2015), Grievance Policy, Remote Employees Policy (along with Guidelines for Flexible Work Schedule. All of these policies are now represented elsewhere on the site.
8/1/2024 8/1/2024 President Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment Policy and Procedures A renamed policy replaced the former Gender-Based Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy
8/9/2024 8/2024 President Graduate Assistantship Policy & Procedure A new policy replaced the old Graduate Assistantship policy
8/23/2024 5/2023 Faculty Senate/President Team Teaching Policy The Team Teaching Policy was posted under Academic Policies.
8/27/2024 8/2024 President Procedures for Sex Discrimination Complaints Between or Among Employees A new policy was added
9/6/2024 9/8/2024 Faculty Senate/President Faculty Committee on Recommendations Bylaws A paragraph was added to II.C. to allow chairs and directors to serve when needed (with certain restrictions)
11/2024 Fall 2023 Faculty Senate/President Academic Policy on Undergraduate Department Chair Duties A new policy was added
2/2025   Board Board of Trustees Bylaws The Board of Trustees Bylaws were updated.