Physics 406
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Spring 2007

21 April 2007

Meeting: DLR 1  1:30 - 2:20 PM MWF
Text: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by D. J. Griffiths      

View the course HandOut.                View the grade spreadsheet.
 Notes: Read-Only DOC file.  About 1.2 MB  [Still a work in progress.]

Assignment Assigned What Due
zero 15 January

Read Chapter One

17 January
one 17 January

Chapt. 1: 1, 2, 3, 6

19 January
two 19 January

Chapt. 1:  10, 11, 17ab

24 January
three 26 January

Chapt. 2:  1a, 2

31 January
four 31 January

Chapt. 2:   4, 5, 6 

5 February
five 5 February  Chapt. 2:  9, 22, 23, 26, 29 (note that in Sec. 2.6 an alternative starting point is used to solve the finite square well problem) 9 February
six 9 February

 Chapt. 2: 10, 11, 12, 13

14 February
Learning Experience

Assignments zero through four
The name of the actor who played Johnny in the movie.

16 February
seven 21 February Chapt 2:  15, 47 26 February
eight 26 February Chapt. 4: 1, 2,  5 2 March
nine 12 March Chapt. 4:  3, 19d, 22, 9, 10 16 March
ten 16 March Chapt. 4: 11, 13, 45ad, 16, 17 21 March
eleven 26 March Chapt. 4: 27a, 28, 31, 39 30 March
Learning Experience
  Assignments five through ten
13 April
twelve 2 April 

 A4, A6, A8, A11, A18, A25, 3.7, 3.8, 3.13

16 April
thirteen 20 April Chapt. 6: 1, 2, 3, 4 27 April
Final Exam  

Assignments one through thirteen

Some Day in May

             Students will be issued personal identification numbers (PIN) with which they may access their scores during the semester through the course web page.
The way to score well on the exams is to practice—this is the purpose of the exercises.  On the other hand, it is inefficient to pore over a particular exercise for too long a time.  After making a good faith effort to master a particular exercise, or physical/mathematical concept, feel free to consult with fellow students or with the instructor both in and out of class. 


Physics 406 – Introduction to Quantum Mechanics


Spring 2007

Meeting: Rm. 1 DeLaRoche; MWF 1:30 - 2:20 PM
Text: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by D. J. Griffiths
Instructor: Dr. J. Kiefer e-mail address:
Office: 21 DeLaRoche
Office Hours: MWF 2:30 – 4:00 PM; or by appointment or by walking in
Web Page: WebCT or through the "courses with pages" link on the departmental web page.

This course concerns itself with quantum mechanics, which along with relativity, constitutes what is often called Modern Physics. Relativity deals with gravity and with high speed motion. Quantum mechanics deals with nature on the atomic and subatomic scales, where the classical Newtonian mechanics fails. Fundamental principles are emphasized, rather than the details of particular applications.

The work of the course consists of three parts: exercises, period exams, and a final examination. These three parts contribute to the course total score in the following proportions: Exercises(25%) Exams(55%) Final Examination(20%)

The homework exercise assignments each have a due date attached. The score of an assignment submitted after the due date will be multiplied by 50%.

Based on the total score for the course, letter grades will be assigned according to the following scheme:

90% . . .


86.67% . . .


83.33% . . .


80% . . .


76.67% . . .


73.33% . . .


70% . . .


66.67% . . .


63.33% . . .


60% . . .


56.67% . . .


<56.67% . .


Students will be issued personal identification numbers (PIN) with which they may access their scores during the semester through the course web page.

The way to score well on the exams is to practice—this is the purpose of the exercises. On the other hand, it is inefficient to pore over a particular exercise for too long a time. After making a good faith effort to master a particular exercise, or physical/mathematical concept, feel free to consult with fellow students or with the instructor both in and out of class.

Refer to the Student Handbook for information regarding the University Policy on Academic Integrity.

Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Disability Support Services Office, Doyle room 26, at 375-2065 as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.


Physics 406 – Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Topical Outline

I. Introduction – Wave Functions & Uncertainty
II. Schrödinger Equation
A. Time-independent Schrödinger Equation
B. Infinite Square Well
C. Harmonic Oscillator
D. Other One Dimensional Potentials
III. The Hydrogen Atom
A. Three Dimensional Schrödinger Equation
B. Hydrogen Spectrum
C. Angular Momentum
D. Spin
IV. Whatever There Is Time For
A. Two Particles
B. Perturbations