Pre-Engineering 103
Engineering Graphics

Spring 2012

10 May 2012

Meeting:  DLR 1 & 22   10:00 - 11:15 AM TTh

Text:  AutoSketch Users' Guide & Class Notes

View the course HandOut.        View the course Grade Spreadsheet   All of it.  Check the accuracy of your scores.
 Printing Directions .    

10 points each
Assigned Due
One 17 January 17 January
Two  19 January  19 January
Three 23 January 26 January
Four  26 January 31 January
Five  31 January 2 February
Six 2 February 7  February
Seven 7 February 14 February
Eight 14 February 16 February
Nine 16 February 21 February
Ten 21 February 8 March
Eleven 8 March 13 March
Twelve 15 March someday in  April or Early May
Print it out, as well as e-mail it.
Just the first One!
Although, you may substitute One of the Others.
 27 March  3 April
Print it out as well as e-mail it.
Fourteen  3 April
Perspective Presentation
12 April
Print it out as well as e-mail it.
Fifteen 17 April  24 April
Print it out as well as e-mail it.
Extra Credit
The perspective part of the original Final Draught.
1 May  7 May
Final Draught
The final draught is worth 20 points.
Therefore, the total number of points
for the course is 780.
Check the spreadsheet for errors or omissions.

There is strong sentiment in the class that we hold the Final Draught on 26 April at 2:30 PM.

In that case, the last Draughting Assignment (#16) is due on 7 May.

 "7 May
1:10 - 3:40 PM"



Pre-Engineering 103

Spring 2012

Meeting: Rm. 1 DeLaRoche; TTh  10:00 - 11:15 AM
Text: AutoSketch Users’s Guide 
Instructor: Dr. J. Kiefer e-mail address:
Office: 120B DeLaRoche
Office Hours:  TTh 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM &  F 2:30 - 4:30 PM or by appointment or by walking in
Web Page:  Moodle

In this course, the use of a computer aided drafting program is introduced. The goal is that students gain a familiarity with conventions used in technical drawing/drafting programs. Some attention will also be given to the importing of diagrams and figures into documents.

The course work will consist of drawing assignments, relating to various sorts of engineering or environmental science. Each assignment will be worth the same number of points. A 10% penalty will be assessed on assignments handed in late. At the end of the semester there will be a Final Drawing Examination. This will consist of a timed series of drawing tasks designed to assess each student’s degree of familiarity with the drafting program. The course grade, then, is based on the total number of points accumulated during the semester. Each student is expected to submit his or her own work. Of course, it is also expected that students will discuss the assignments with each other, or the instructor, while the assignments are being done.  If two or more students submit assignments that look too much alike, the score for that assignment will be divided equally among those two or more students. 

Letter grades will be assigned according to the following scheme:

93.33% . . .


90.00% . . .


86.67% . . .


83.33% . . .


80.00% . . .


76.67% . . .


73.33% . . .


70.00% . . .


66.67% . . .


63.33% . . .


60.00% . . .


<60.00% . . .


Students will be issued personal identification numbers (PIN) with which they may access their scores through the course web page.

There will be a great temptation to put off the drawing assignments--don’t do that. At the end of the semester the computer lab is often very busy and it may be difficult to gain access to one of the computers having the drafting program installed.

Academic dishonesty is inconsistent with the moral character expected of students in a university committed to the spiritual and intellectual growth of the whole person.  It also subverts the academic process by distorting all measurements.  It is a serious matter and will be dealt with accordingly.  A list of unacceptable practices, penalties to be assigned, and procedures to be followed in prosecuting cases of alleged academic dishonesty may be found in the Student Handbook.

Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Disability Support Services Office, Doyle room 26, at 375-2065 as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

Pre-Engineering 103 Engineering Graphics

Software Application: AutoSketch

Course Outline (subject to modification as we go)

I. Introduction
    A. Setting up a Drawing
    B. Menu bars & Toolboxes
    C. Prompt Boxes & Status Bars
    D. Properties & Settings
II. Drawing & Erasing
    A. Draw Menu
    B. Modify & Edit Menus
    C. Text
    D. Groups & Parts
III. Output
    A. Sheet Setup
    B. Frames & Title Blocks
    C. Printing & Plotting    
    D. Importing & Exporting
IV. Precision Tools
    A. Coordinates
    B. Grids & Snaps
    C. Attach & Ortho
    D. Dimensioning
V. Shortcut Tools
    A. Fillets & Chamfers
    B. Polylines & Curves
    C. Fills
    D. Arrays
VI. Multiview & Pictorial Drawing
    A. Orthographic Projection
    B. Axonometric
    C. Oblique
    D. Perspective